Saturday, March 26, 2016

Losers in the state house!!!!

So here we are again Whitney westerfield and John schickel are wasting our time and money on BULLSHIT bills and accepting bribes from the alcohol industry. They both voted for sb11 which is the omnibus bill for alcohol and we all know that alcohol KILLS. Not only do they get kick backs from alcohol industry, they also get kick backs from prescription drug companies, and the biggest from the HEMP INDUSTRY. Do your research people they are losers and need to be voted out!!  They lie, waste our time and money on stupid shit while they BOAST about their religion and family. yes I'm for medical marijuana, yes I for Veterans, my wife, and two sons and the rest,  these bastards don't care anything about our veterans or service men and women, all the while boasting that they do.  Real pieces of shit.  Liars westerfield claims to be a Christian, but goes against everything GOD stands for,  hell he probably doesn't know anything about the Bible, maybe his wife should teach him since she is a teacher. Schickel he's just old and dried up and on his way out Boone county it tired of his deep pockets and lack of morals.  Don't worry there is more to come on both these losers.  
Stay tuned folks the bashing is about to begin as I ramp up my research on these to losers and expose their hidden past. 

And that westerfield you can't HIDE from you better come clean before I expose you!!!!! 

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